Usually my day starts with weeding in our backyard for about two hours, taking shower, having lunch, and doing productive works for myself. I am happy to have such a spacious backyard in our land, but there are ten of thousand weed... with many many small flowers .... lots of work.
One week went quickly since I am back to my hometown. Officially, I am safe from swan flu. I feel small with the only reason that I came back from NY here. Yesterday, two high-school students who live in Tokyo and Kawasaki were infected with the flu. The weird sight that everyone wear masks give me some question about Japan and Japanese though, I can't tell anybody my feeling here. Oh, I heard a great news from my friend in New York that one of my friends works in the advertisement field got an
honorable award from ADC in the professional category. My friends around me in NY are all great and talented. I always get an incentive from them. I should be one of them!
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