Sunday, August 16, 2009

monochrome wash drawing ( 墨絵)

When I was a child, I often visited my grandpa and grandma's house.
My grandma was very talented and smart woman.
She made haiku ( Japanese poem ), played Shamisen ( Three-stringed Japanese instrument ), and draw monochrome wash drawing, ( more than this! ).
Sometime, she served me a glass of wine ( even though I was an elementary school kid). 
I liked to sit next to her and draw drawing together. 
I still remembered that my grandma and I draw lobsters
 and she liked my lobster drawing. 
I tried to do same thing with water color,
but I found the differences from the one I made at grandma's house.
The difference is a lacking of momentum. 

By the way, my mom is a talented woman as well as my grand mother.
She plays a mandolin, guitar, and ukulele. 
I want to be like my grandma and my mom. 

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