Sunday, November 28, 2010

Letter Press

This is a illustration for a wedding invitation card for my special friend in Washington. It is hard to tell with this photo, but this cards were printed by letter press! I love printmaking.
I took a silkscreen class and etching classes at SVA, but I didn't take a letterpress class. Finally, the chance of doing letterpress came to me. This is a collaboration work with a graphic designer who has a expert knowledge and a long experience of typeface and design.

We visited a printmaking studio in Bedford, Brooklyn one Friday night and printed! People working in the studio are all kind and nice, and two dogs living in the studio are very cute, too.

The pressed letter and image came out very beautiful more than I thought, and my friend and her fiance are happy with the card. The cards were sent to invited guests last week.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gordon Ramsay

I like to draw a portrait of a celebrity in whom I am interested.
This guy is very interesting for me.
Yesterday, I talked about him and his TV show, Hell's kitchen, with my co-worker,
and she suggested me to draw this guy's portrait!
So I did today.
It was quickly finished more than I expected, and it was so fun!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Second Story - Dual show

I have a dual show with Keiko Tokushima, an illustrator, at Grumpy cafe in Chelsea by the courtesy of the owner of the cafe. When you get a chance, please visit and enjoy a cup of coffee and our works!

Grumpy Cafe
224 West 20th Street (between 7th and 8th Avenue) New York NY10010